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From this Plan note the following:

9.2 Safeguarding Employment Sites (POLICY EC2)
9.2.1 The Employment Land Review (Cotswold Economy Study, PBA 2012) has highlighted that established employment sites, both within and beyond settlements, play a critical role in meeting the
District’s economic and business needs. Protection of such sites and support for their potential
intensification, where appropriate, is critical in ensuring that existing businesses are retained and have
the opportunity to grow. This is particularly important as there are few vacant employment sites and
premises available to the market.
9.2.2 Viability reports (Hewdons and POS Reports 2014) also demonstrate that the construction costs
for new employment development are not redeemed through land values or the rental yields. Therefore
it is critical that the best use is made of established employment sites and premises and that they are
retained to offer immediate opportunities for businesses to expand and for new business to establish

The entire Plan can be downloaded from the CDC website.

And here is a map of the designated sites in the northern section of the CDC’s Plan.

Established Employment sites are marked in blue

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